Investment Pitch Deck Template for FMCG

Purpose & FeaturesInvestment Pitch Deck Template for FMCG 1

An Investment Deck is a crucial part of any fundraising. You may get the opportunity to present some of the content, but more frequently you will be sending this presentation to identified potential investors to read, so it needs to speak for itself. This template is specifically designed for FMCG brands, to structure and populate your pitch for investment, saving you hours of time and giving you a quality foundation.

This powerpoint template is broken down into 26 topics, grouped in 5 sections – introduction; about us; market opportunity; growth plans; and investment. It is not a fill-in-the-blanks template! Your investment deck needs to be personal to you and your business. Instead, it provides you with a structure and a set of guidance points and prompting questions to ensure you answer. Choosing the options with review and feedback provides you time with experienced Young Foodies Director level individuals.

Designed for

Aimed at those embarking on a fundraising process, or those that have already successfully raised but are looking to improve their presentation.

This has been created by Young Foodies, specifically for UK FMCG brands.


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