Stir-crazy consumers crave new and exciting food and drink brands

Although now may be a stressful time to be a small food or drink brand, it is a great opportunity to seize the attention of bored consumers. Read more about our insight into innovative food and drink products in the full article in The Drum.
Pandemic uncertainty drives more SMEs to leaner operating models

While SMEs were previously hesitant to outsource parts of their businesses, the pandemic has uncovered a new ambition to reduce fixed costs, driving a totally new operating model in the challenger space. In this article for Food Navigator, Thea Alexander discusses how a ‘change in mindset’ has occurred. Check out what she has to say […]
Understanding food investors: what trends are they backing?

In the wake of Coronavirus, food investors are looking at long lasting new trends. Theadora Alexander gives insight into where she is placing her bets in this article for Food Navigator. Read the full article in Food Navigator
Mindset is everything: acing the challenger brand mentality

The mindset of a challenger brand can be the difference between success and failure, say experts. In this article, FoodNavigator chatted to industry professionals to find out how agility and flexibility can keep businesses afloat, especially during the pandemic. Read the full article to find out what the experts recommended, as well as Thea Alexander’s […]
New to eCommerce? You are not alone
Since the start of the pandemic, many small businesses have had the tricky task of moving online, often complicating aspects of work, such as the payment process. In this article, our founder Thea talks to Essential Retail about how brands can grow their business online. Read the full article in Essential Retail
Our refreshed approach to Diversity
Our vision for the consumer FMCG sector has always been to achieve a truly level playing field. We believe that if we create a world in which there is equality, fairness and support for everyone, big or small, powerhouse or visionary, we will all collectively benefit. This principle forms the foundation of our business – […]